
UN E-Government Readiness Survey (EN)

The European Interoperability Framework (EIF is a set of guidelines and recommendations to enable interoperability of government systems and processes with a view to delivering pan-European e-Government services (PEGS).

The EIF is developed under the IDABC (Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Business and Citizens) program. The IDABC program lasted till 31 December 2009 and has been superseded by the ISA program (Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations).

What is the ISA program ?
Public administrations are expected to provide efficient public services to businesses and citizens across Europe. ISA, the programme on Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, addresses this need. ISA supports and facilitates efficient and effective cross-border electronic collaboration between European public administrations. The programme enables the delivery of electronic public services and ensures the availability, interoperability, re-use and sharing of common solutions.

Interoperability Frameworks in Europe
Almost all European Governments are in the process of developing and implementing the electronic government. The starting point of the EIF is that each member state has or is actively working on the development of its national Government Interoperability Framework (GIF).

A few examples of frameworks are available on the next websites:
# BELGIF: BELgian Governement Interoperability Framework.

# UK e-GIF: UK e-Government Interoperability Framework.

For a complete overview of the Interoperability Frameworks of all European countries visit the website Another overview of e-Government initiatives in Europe can be found on Wikipedia: eGovernement in Europe.

Interoperability Frameworks outside Europe
Also governments outside of Europe are working on developing interoperability frameworks:

# New Zealand: NZ E-government Interoperability Framework

# Australia: Australian Government Information Interoperability Framework

# Tasmania: Interoperability Program

Thre role of the United Nations
The United Nations plays an important role in the promotion of the Interoperability Frameworks. Regularly the United Nations examines the Interoperability Frameworks of the connected countries. The results of the investigation are published on the United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN).

The United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN) is a virtual electronic network that promotes the exchange of expertise and sharing of experiences and lessons learned in public administration and finance at local, national, subregional, regional and international levels.

On the website of the UNPAN you can find the E-Government Readiness Knowledge Base van de Verenigde Naties . The United Nations E-Government Readiness Knowledge Base (UNKB) is a benchmarking tool that provides a comparative assessment for monitoring progress of a country’s e-government readiness.

Yearly the United Nations publishes the Survey e-government readiness. At the begin of the year (2008) the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) published the UN E-Government Survey 2008: From E-Government to Connected Governance. The survey assesses the e-government readiness of the 192 Member States of the UN according to a quantitative composite index of e-readiness based on website assessment, telecommunication infrastructure, and human resource endowment.

The Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) took the top three in the survey followed by the United States. The European countries made up 70 per cent of the top 35 countries with the Netherlands ranked fifth.

The survey can be found on the website of the United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN). Open the top level menu Library, go to the option Major Publications and select the item UN E-Government survey.

Last year (2007) the regional centre for the Asia-Pacific of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bangkok has investigated the Interoperability Frameworks of seven countries including Australia, New Zealand, UK and Denmark. The analysis has been performed under the Asia-Pacific Development Information Programma (APDIP).

The comparisons are intended to provide supplementary information for countries interested in developing their own Governement Interoperability Framework (GIF) and/or updating an existing framework.

During the investigation the focus has been on how Government Interoperability Frameworks (GIFs) in different countries are developed, implemented and maintained. The emphasis has been on the sections: Context, Technical Content, Development Process, Implementation and Compliance.

The Context includes the definition of the GIF, aims of the document, principles that support the selection of standards, scope and limitations, agencies bound by the specifications of the GIF, and the relationship of the GIF with other government documents.

The Technical Content contains the standards and recommendations of the GIF regarding the development of ICT systems and contains a listing of the standards categorized according to the defined interoperability layers.

The Implementation describes the support tools that are provided and/or being developed to aid the widespread adoption of the GIF.

The Compliance references indicators for interoperability, strategies for ensuring compliance, and additional guidance for stakeholders that are provided.

The results are presented in the document e-Government Interoperability: A review of Government Interoperability Frameworks in Selected Countries (GIF-Review.pdf).

Tags: Government, Interoperability-Frameworks

Last update: 26-11-2011