Over recent years we see that internationaly, in Europe and nationally via Law and Regulations obligations arise to exchange information electronically with Business Partners, Public Administrations and Tax Authorities.
Especially the savings at the side of the Government, the care for the environment and the fight against Tax fraud have led to these obligations. It is all about the use of specific electronic message standards for invoicing, purchasing, sales and reporting. Think about PEPPOL BIS UBL formats, the Italian FatturaPA XML, the Electronic Tax Document (DTE) in Chile and the increased usage of SAF-T in several European countries.
The past years SAP started supporting companies that need to comply with all of these complex forms of data exchange with the SAP ERP option for eDocument processing - SAP ERP eDocument framework (SAP Note: 2378414).
The SAP ERP eDocument framework supports the creation and handles the processing of outbound and inbound documents and provides users a comprehensive dashboard / Cockpit.
This makes the implementation of eProcurement and eInvoicing a lot easier compared to using the SAP IDOC EDI interface. This is mainly due to the support of country-specific standards and message transport protocols.
There are two versions available: the eDocument Full Solution and the eDocument Basic Enablement.
For the basic version the purchase of the AIF Application Interface Framework is not needed, it is used under the hood.
Moreover the SAP HANA Cloud Platform Integration service (HCI) is needed to handle the communication with external systems.
The eDocument basic version has customer and country-specific interfaces.
Think at following country-specific interfaces:
..... and many more applications are available
The eDocument framework of SAP makes it companies and Governments much easier to provide out-of-the-box the requested standards and protocols.
Tags: EDI, ERP, PEPPOL, SAP, e-Procurement, e-Invoicing