
What is the impact of Leadership and Followership on digital transformation?

I am following the course Leadership and Followship at OpenLearn (OU) to understand the impact of Leadership and Followership on organizational transformation, on success or failure of projects.

As a project leader focused on recovery of ERP projects I see leiders exoerience organizsational transformation as one of the biggest hurdles.

Strange that mistakes are still made with all the literatures about Leadership. Looking at it from the perspective of the relationship between Leaders and Followers reveals a lot !

Why read it ! In our working life we are Leaders and Followers at a given time.

Suda Lawrence wrote a paper published on the website of The Project Management Institute (2013) "In praise of followers". A must read for all future Leaders are the paragraphs:

  • What Followers Need from Leaders?
  • be worthy of trust, envision the future, inspire others, be willing to recognize they are humans too and make mistakes, openess and honesty, integrity, competency

  • What Leaders Need from Followers?
  • positivity, self-motivation, collaboration, passion, willingness,

    Leaders create their Followers by Doing the Right Things.

    "A leader without followers is simply a man taking a walk" (John Boehner - 2015).

    Tags: Leiderschap, Project Management