
Sommigen mensen snappen pas echt waarover ERP gaat

Sommigen mensen snappen pas echt waarover ERP gaat.

Het gaat niet alleen over de business case, niet over de methodologie, het heeft alleen een kop maar allang geen start meer.

In het artikel "Why ERP implementation fails and ways to succeed in 2023" licht de auteur toe waarom ERP projecten falen.

Deze auteur haalt de woorden uit mijn mond, ik had het niet beter kunnen samenvatten.

  • ERP should be a mindset – it should be recognized as a solution that needs a continuous improvement approach to optimize your processes
  • when the right people to tackle ERP implementation step in, everything falls into place
  • It takes a strong leader to hold people accountable and keep everything on track, so ensure you have someone with ERP implementation experience leading the project and your team
  • even the “right” software will fail without the right data, the right thought process and the right people to carry it forward
  • ERP is first an attitude; second, a process, and only third, a set of tools
  • What’s an ERP implementation project if the employees do not know how to use their newly installed system (which works absolutely well)
  • It is, therefore, in your best interest to take the time to understand how your business actually runs
  • Now, you can sure be the jack of all trades, but you need a king to steer such complex projects
  • Ik wil hier vooral aan toevoegen succes zit in de voorbereiding

  • opruimen van drempels / bottlenecks
  • verandering van mindset en cultuur van de organisatie
  • binnenhalen van business experts
  • rationaliseren van de IT organisatie
  • Begin ERP implementation when the culture is strong enough to embrace process change.

    Put experts on the project. Hire a partner if needed.


    Why ERP implementation fails and ways to succeed in 2023